Saturday, November 28, 2015

Fire on Guana Cay = Volunteer work

We decided to take the kids to a local basketball court in town so the kids could all run around and play.
On the way there we noticed smoke coming from behind the bushes off the main road.
We pulled over so Andrew could hop out and help.
We weren't sure what to expect.
We don't have much of a fire station.
It's a little shack of a house, with a little truck inside.
There are no fire hydrants so the water is just in a tank in the back of the truck.
The hose connected to the back tank of water and trying to extend it to the fire off the main road... I wasn't sure how this was going to pan out... but it did.

Here's Andrew in the blue shirt volunteering his help anywhere he could

After they finished we went back to our house so Andrew could take a quick shower.  
Poison wood is on this island and Andrew may have brushed up against it while he was out helping.  It does Not sound like something you want.  
Anyway, we headed back to the basketball court and let the kids play for a couple hours.  
They had Soo much fun!! 

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