Thursday, August 29, 2013

It finally happened to me.

It's that moment when you realize you have to go and tell an employee of the store that you can't find your 3 1/2 year old son.
At that same moment you're wondering if they will judge you for being such an irresponsible parent, or if they will realize that this happens even when you have no control over it.
When you're running up and down every aisle of the store and can't find him.  When the panic starts to rise inside of you, from the top of your head down into your toes as you are calling for your child and there is no response coming back to you.
It's also that moment when that thought finally crosses over your mind and heart, thinking, but trying to push it out, that it just could be possible that he has been taken.
Then the moment when they say they've found him and he's up at the front registry area.  And you can't get there fast enough.  And then the moment when you finally see him and he comes running to you full speed, straight into your arms;  And you don't, you Can't, let go of him.  You can hardly speak because you are So choked up inside, that you can't even get upset for him running off on you.
And then you cry.  You Thank the man at Target for taking good care of him until you got there.  Then you say a prayer of Thanks to your Heavenly Father that your little boy is fine and back in your arms again! And you apologize for being such a crazy, non-observant mother.
And then the moment that you realize once again that you would do anything for your family! That they mean the Absolute World to you, and you cherish even the littlest moments with them.

I don't know what I would do without my sweet, Conner!  I am Forever Grateful that he was safe and back in my arms!!  I Love you Conner Soo Very much!!  :)


Carolyn said...

Oh Kelli, that must have been so terrifying! I cannot even imagine. I'm so glad you found him and that everything is okay.

Your family is so darling...I love the pictures!

Breana and Jordan Holmes said...

That was making me want to cry. That's so scary. Once at Target Kennedy and Harley both ran off-in opposite directions! If Dejah hadn't been with me, I would have lost one of them for sure. Now they either sit in the cart or wear those leash backpacks. It's fun taking them out by myself....not. I'm so relieved you found him!!