Saturday, May 18, 2013

Diastasis Recti

Ok, so my weight fluctuates a Lot.  It drives me nuts that when I was "young" I didn't have to work so hard to keep the weight off.  To be honest, it's my own fault.  After I have my babies I want Everything I "couldn't" have while being pregnant with Gestational Diabetes.  That's alway been my #1 mistake.  And I put the weight that I couldn't while I was pregnant, on afterwards.  Very Bad idea!!  Not sure when I thought that was a good idea in the first place.  I just can't help myself.

Well, at least I've come to the first step with admitting my problem and knowing the source.  Check!  Next, work on the problem and fix it.  Check?

I started doing crunches at night before bed, and I started getting really proud of myself with how many I could do and the results I was receiving.  And then, my back started Killing me!!!  I seriously thought I had to have thrown my back out.  Anytime I bent over to pick something up, I couldn't even bend half way before the pain was unbearable!  I couldn't lift my kids, and getting them into the car was a Huge task I never wanted to face.  So I stopped doing my crunches.  After a few weeks, it slowly started to get better, so I started up my crunches again at night.  Big Mistake!!  It came right back!!  Man, it hurt So bad!!  I could Not figure out what I was doing differently than any other time I have done crunches.  I started to believe that I didn't know how to do them anymore.  I was Soo confused.

Never thought these words would come out of my mouth, but Pinterest, sort of saved my life!  I came across this and decided to check out the website:

I knew this was exactly what I had!  I talked with a few people about it and then went in to see our family physician.  Yup, he confirmed it, and only surgery will fix it, because I now have a hernia.  Lovely!  Plus, I get to look like I'm 5 months pregnant, because it creates a bulge in my abdomen.  Love it!!  But I'm ready to try these exercises and see if it works even a little bit!  Obviously, No crunches.

I'll be sure to let you know if it all works out or not.  Wish me luck!!  :)

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