Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Hospital night

So last night, at about 6:30 PM I started getting contractions/braxton hicks (Still not exactly sure which).  Every time I got up to walk they got worse, not exactly painful, but extremely tight and uncomfortable.  This lasted for about 3 hours about every 5 min and was not dying down.  I called my mom to get her opinion, took a warm bath, which didn't help, and called my Dr. for his thoughts;  Which led my mother to our place to watch Conner, and Andrew and I to the hospital.
Before we left for the hospital I was a little nervous at the thought of having a baby and having to leave him in the NICU at the hospital because he came too soon.
While we were at the hospital, they hooked me up to the monitors to check my contractions and the baby's heart beat.  I was contracting what looked like about every 5 min or so.  The nurse gave me a pill to stop the contractions and checked to see if I was dilated.  I was, but only about a 1/2 centimeter, which never ended up changing.  They also wanted a urine sample to make sure I didn't have a UTI cuz those could lead to contractions.  Well, my attempt at a sample wasn't clear enough, so they had to do a catheter for another sample.  They had me drinking Lots of water in case I was dehydrated, which could also lead to contractions.  Well, the pill I took didn't stop or slow down the contractions so they gave me a shot in the back of my arm.  That finally seemed to work.
I guess my sample came back clean, because they talked to the Dr and let us finally go home at about 2:30 AM with some instructions.  I am on what they call a "Modified Activity" restriction for a week.  Meaning, I'm not on bedrest, but I need to rest and not over work myself.  I see my Dr. on Tuesday and I'll be 36 Weeks by then, I'm sure we will go over things and take it from there.

I'm glad last night that we left and I'm still pregnant.   (Never thought I would be glad to say that.  Lol).  Thank Goodness, though!!  I want him to cook in my belly just a little bit longer.

Today, I've still had some contractions, but not as bad as they were last night.  When I stand up, my belly does tighten more than usual, so basically I've kept it low key today.  It will be interesting to see what becomes of the next few weeks.  I just want a strong, healthy, growing and developing right, little boy.

After my miscarriage a year ago, I've definitely been more nervous and scared as far as wanting this baby to be healthy and growing and developing right.  Some of those feelings came back and hit me.   Just going through that experience last year makes me realize that I am not entirely in control of my life and what I thought or think is my plan.  It's something that won't be forgotten.  I've made it this far and I'm sure everything will be just fine.  :0)

I Know the Lord's hand is in our lives and I Know he is watching over this child and me.  I have had many Priesthood blessings with this baby and am grateful for a loving Heavenly Father to comfort me and reassure me that everything is alright.

I am excited to meet this precious little child that the Lord is trusting us with.  Hopefully, that won't be for another couple of weeks.  Until then, I want to enjoy some time with Andrew and Conner before the sleepless nights and adjustments come.   :0)


Dejah said...

Wow, I'm glad everything turned out to be ok! What a lucky boy you are going to have, to be born to such good parents!

Ashley said...

I didn't know you had a miscarriage. I'm sorry to hear that. I had one last year too, in June. They're hard, and no fun to go through. But I'm glad that you still have a baby in your belly and that he will have a good chance of being healthy. I'm excited to see pictures of the little guy when he does come. :)

Kayla said...

Kell you amaze me! You were so strong through your miscarriage and I looked up to you so much! You are right...we dont always know the plan but that is why we have faith in the lord! I seriously love you, and I too, want that little man to bake a little longer! :) Love ya, mean it, Chow!