Monday, September 4, 2017

Tyson, Conner, (& Dylan thinks), First day of School

Yup Tyson too! He is old enough to be in K5. Crazy huh?! (At least for me) 
Technically he could have been going since K3 or even K4, but we decided to wait. Maybe I'll send Dylan over as soon as he turns 3 and is potty trained. Hahaha

The day before school started Ty was actually excited to go!! Yay!!
Over the weekend, our cute little island had a Back to School Party!! This also helped Tyson get excited for school!!

Morning of, we had to wake the kids up to get ready for school. They were still pretty tired, but also excited to go to their first day of class.

Taking morning pictures in our backyard before sending them out the door. Still a little early, so the pictures came out kind of dark  :(  But they were too cute not to share. 

And of course Dylan wanted in on the action. I'm pretty sure he thought we were dropping him off at school as well, bless his little heart. 

Walking down the dock to the ferry 

Giving dad hugs 

Can you tell they were pretty tired riding the 30 min ferry over to Abaco island? Hahaha 

They are So excited their friends ride over on the ferry with them and also in the same taxi everyday!! 

Mrs. Maryann!! We Love her and the boys Love riding in her taxi with all their friends!! (Poor Dylan, he REALLY thinks he is going to school, no matter what I try to tell him otherwise)

Out in front of Agape Christian School!! 

Love these boys of mine πŸ’™

Tyson's classroom and teacher, Mrs. Brenda 

Ty seemed a little nervous, but more curious. When I gave him a hug and kiss goodbye, he was ready and excited to start class. 

Not sure, but he may have just realized he wasn't going to school here. We kept telling him he was going to do homeschool with mommy. That seemed to work, cuz there never was tears leaving and going home. Phew!! 

Conner's classroom and teacher, Mrs. Marshall. It was hard for me to get a picture, class had already started so I didn't want to disrupt anymore than we already were. 

And now it's just the two of us... 

So wish us luck as we start our journey with two kids in school over on Abaco island, in Marsh Harbor, and only one at home now. I may only have one at home, but he has enough energy for all 3 of my kids! Hahaha

Friday, September 1, 2017

Orientation Day

Tyson has NOT been wanting to go to school!! We have been trying to prepare him for this for a long time and get him excited to go. Today he had orientation, and Monday he starts school. Tyson and I went and that seemed to get him excited. Woo-Hoo!!!

They have a random watermelon vine in the front of the office growing. Tyson was pretty excited about it. Hahaha 

Tyson found his desk and was Sooo excited to see that he had fruit snacks to eat and envelopes to take home. Hahaha

All in all, I'd say it was a pretty successful Orientation Day and I think I got out of it what I was hoping for... Tyson to be a little more excited to start school. We'll see if it lasts all the way until school starts. Wish us luck!!

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

My new nephew, Ollie πŸ’™

My sister, Katie, had a BOY!!! Ollie Warren Bennett!! He is Absolutely Adorable!!! πŸ’™

I can't get enough of this precious little guy!! 😍  I seriously held him Every chance I got!!!

It makes me a little sad that I have to leave and he is going to grow up Soo much by the time I come back, but I'm Soo grateful to Andrew for letting me go last minute to CA.

Of course we had to run over to Target while I was in town!! 😊 And take a quick selfie of us out of the house!! πŸ˜„

 Cute little Lucy saying "Cheese!! " and taking selfies!

And then had a little show From Katie's kids!! Which was Very entertaining!!  πŸ˜‚
We ended the day with a little dinner birthday celebration for Cute little 4 year old Olivia!! β™₯️  I wish I had taken pictures, she was Soo cute and excited opening up all her gifts and being sung Happy Birthday to. 
I wish my kids were there to play with all their cousins. Sweet little Owen kept asking me if Conner was here and when was he coming home. 😒 I told him soon. 
I swear each time I come back, the kids all look Soo much older than they should!

It's when I have to leave that I wish Soo much I lived by family!! They mean the world to me. Living Soo far away, that has got to be the hardest thing for me, but I am grateful for the opportunity I have to live in the Bahamas and it's been such a Wonderful experience.  Even still, I'm already looking forward to coming back and seeing family again!! β™₯️ 

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

4th of July in the Bahamas

Happy 4th of July Americans!!! πŸ˜„  πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ  πŸŽ‰ πŸ’₯

So I realized I didn't do a good job taking pictures this 4th of July, hahaha
I did however manage to get a family picture of all of us at the beach right before we headed black up to the house.

We played in the ocean, later ate and celebrated the holiday with friends :) played games, and watched fireworks from our house. All in all it was a pretty fun day!!

I will always be grateful for the men and woman who served America  and still continue to serve!! For the sacrifices that were made to make America great. God bless America! β™₯️

Monday, July 3, 2017

Sunday at Nipper's before the 4th of July

Every Sunday, Nipper's does a big pig roast and people from all over come to hang out at the restaurant. It's become quite the attraction to Great Guana Cay.

We just moved a few houses down from Nipper's and our backyard is where all the boats come and dock their boats and dingys, as they head up to the restaurant or to the ocean to play.

This Sunday was a little different. We knew that 4th of July weekend is a Huge weekend for Nipper's. we weren't sure what to expect, but this at least tripled the amount of boats that come on a regular Sunday afternoon.

It was definitely entertaining to watch how many boats came and left. We counted at one particular time 53 boats. Some boats had already left and some boats were still coming. By far the most we have seen since we moved to The Shell House.

Sunday, February 26, 2017

Sweet Maddie girl's Birthday Party

Bretton and Paul's little girl, Maddie, turned 2 today!!! Her and Dylan have become good friends and Bretton and I have become good friends. We Love this little family! 

Coco and Dyaln enjoying a boat ride with Bretton, Maddie and Lavae

Maddie and her mommy, Bretton 

Maddie and her daddy, Paul

The boys enjoying some cupcakes and cake

Lots of friends from town 

Birthday girl 

Baby Stewart was Hilarious! Hiding while eating his cupcake

Alina, Maddie, Levae, Nicholee

Alina, babyStewart, Tyson, Conner, Dylan, Benjamin, Stephan, Jamie, Maddie, Levae, Nicholee

They were So sweet to invite us all to the bday party! The kids and us had a Great time!! Happy Birthday Maddie!! We Love You!! <3 div="" nbsp="">

Tuesday, January 31, 2017

My boys and me by Kaari Winger

While we were in California, one of my good friends, Kaari, is a photographer and captured some of the Cutest pictures of my boys!!! I was a little hesitant to get pictures done, not because of Kaari, but because Andrew had already gone back to the Bahamas and I Really wanted him to be in them, but Andrew convinced me to do it and I am So So So happy he did. They turned out Super Cute!!

Oh Ya Dilly Boy!! Strut your stuff kid!! Hahaha

This one Cracks me up!! 

"Show me your eyes" Hmmm, not exactly. Hahaha

He has the Sweetest smile :) 

I Love his smile!

Conner's famous, "I'm trying not to smile" face. Hahaha

That mischievous look of his. Hahaha

Love this one of Tyson :)

I am in LOVE with these pictures!! Kaari captured their personalities Soo well!!! I am Sooo Grateful she took these photos of my boys and me and I Cannot wait for her to photograph us with Andrew!!  :)