Saturday, October 1, 2016

Hurricane Matthew

And so it begins... Again.

The preparation for another hurricane.

Hurricane Matthew is on its way to us.
We've talked little about it, and then about 24 hours ago I got a text from Andrew saying they are recommending us/families to leave the island.
15 min later our flights are booked to leave Monday morning for Florida.

We've obviously started keeping a closer track on updates and the projection of the hurricane. It went from talking about it yesterday to a tropical storm, maybe a hurricane, category 1 to a cat. 2 and even going into a cat. 3. All families are being advised to leave the island.

This has never happened. To us. We've never been advised to book flights and leave. This is a first.

When Andrew first told me that he booked our flights, I was nervous to leave. This island, the island which has been our home for the last year and a half. This Beautiful place with luscious greenery everywhere. Bright blues and greens, a sort of turquoise ocean color you've never seen before. To leave our friends, the people on this island who won't or can't leave, who will be here to ride it out. And the people, they are some of the nicest and helpful people you'd meet. And happy. They don't have much, but they don't need much. They live within their means, cuz really that's all that they can afford.  They look after each other and take care of each other.  And I feel guilty leaving, leaving them behind in hopes that Hurricane Matthew doesn't ruin their homes and surroundings. Guilty because I Can afford to get off the island to some place that is safe and our family out of harms way, if this hurricane does in fact become something to fear.

I truly think everything will be alright, but it just puts things in perspective for me. How people live, it opens my eyes to a whole new level. My conversations have changed a little bit. I realize how much I don't "need" in life, and my priorities have also shifted a little. I know I won't live here forever, but I hope and pray the day that I leave, that I don't forget about Abaco, Bahamas, the people on Great Guana Cay. The humbleness I feel in every part of me, for living on this 7mile by not quite 2 mile island. It's Soo easy to slip back into those comfortable ways, to adjust to what you grew up with and around. Electricity everyday of every hour of your life. Walking outside and not being completely attacked by mosquitos and no-seums (mostly certain times of the day, hahaha). Water that doesn't come from the rain to support the way you live, what you drink, when to shower or use the laundry or even wash dishes. Fresh fruit and vegetables whenever you want. An inclosed car when it rains. (even though I laugh each time it happens, and I really actually Love it, it's still humbling) To not take things for granted. I don't want to do that. I want to forever remember this place and how it's changed a part of me.

Sorry, Really got monologuing there.
Anyway, this storm... as of last night it went up to about a Cat. 5 and this morning, it's back down to a Cat. 4.
It's slowing down but strengthening.
We are prepping our house and getting it ready for the hurricane. Putting all our pink shutters up over the windows, bringing in all the outside furniture, things that could damage the house if caught up in the hurricane. And in case we can't get off the island, making sure we have stuff in the house to eat and get us through it. Andrew is helping prepare the homes in Baker's as well. I'm really not too worried, this is just what goes on for the prep before a hurricane comes. Last year all the hurricanes that projected to come our way, never did, so it's also a little hard for me to believe this could actually happen, here, to us and our home.

As of right now, this is what it looks like...

Kind of crazy. 

This is the first time I actually feel like this is real and our preparations show it. Tomorrow we will finish getting everything together before we head out the following day. 
If I'm good about keeping up on this blog like I had hoped I would start to do, I'll be posting again when we get back. Half of our friends and people here have already left the island to a safer place, the rest of us will soon be following or staying. 

Even though I believe everything will be alright, please keep us all in your prayers, especially those who are staying here. I Love the people here and pray that they will be kept safe. <3 nbsp="" p="">

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