Technically he could have been going since K3 or even K4, but we decided to wait. Maybe I'll send Dylan over as soon as he turns 3 and is potty trained. Hahaha
The day before school started Ty was actually excited to go!! Yay!!
Over the weekend, our cute little island had a Back to School Party!! This also helped Tyson get excited for school!!
Morning of, we had to wake the kids up to get ready for school. They were still pretty tired, but also excited to go to their first day of class.
Taking morning pictures in our backyard before sending them out the door. Still a little early, so the pictures came out kind of dark :( But they were too cute not to share.
And of course Dylan wanted in on the action. I'm pretty sure he thought we were dropping him off at school as well, bless his little heart.
Walking down the dock to the ferry
Giving dad hugs
Can you tell they were pretty tired riding the 30 min ferry over to Abaco island? Hahaha
They are So excited their friends ride over on the ferry with them and also in the same taxi everyday!!
Mrs. Maryann!! We Love her and the boys Love riding in her taxi with all their friends!! (Poor Dylan, he REALLY thinks he is going to school, no matter what I try to tell him otherwise)
Out in front of Agape Christian School!!
Love these boys of mine π
Tyson's classroom and teacher, Mrs. Brenda
Ty seemed a little nervous, but more curious. When I gave him a hug and kiss goodbye, he was ready and excited to start class.
Not sure, but he may have just realized he wasn't going to school here. We kept telling him he was going to do homeschool with mommy. That seemed to work, cuz there never was tears leaving and going home. Phew!!
Conner's classroom and teacher, Mrs. Marshall. It was hard for me to get a picture, class had already started so I didn't want to disrupt anymore than we already were.
And now it's just the two of us...
So wish us luck as we start our journey with two kids in school over on Abaco island, in Marsh Harbor, and only one at home now. I may only have one at home, but he has enough energy for all 3 of my kids! Hahaha